General Rules



In order to have a safe and enjoyable summer, we ask that all patrons entering the Beatrice Big Blue Water Park be familiar with the following General Rules:

  1. All guests age seven (7) or under MUST be accompanied by a responsible person fifteen (15) years of age or older.
  2. Members of the public are required to take a shower before entering the pool or pool area.
  3. Members of the public with open sores or any infectious diseases are not permitted in the pool.
  4. Weak swimmers, or those who cannot swim, are not allowed in the diving area.
  5. Must be forty-five (45) inches or taller in order to use the slides alone.
  6. No diving in shallow water.
  7. No running or horseplay in the facility.
  8. Only one (1) person may be on the diving board at a time.
  9. No repeated bouncing on the diving boards.
  10. No drinking containers, coolers, food or drinks may be brought into the park without the approval of the Water Park Manager ‐ NO EXCEPTIONS.
  11. Swimming aids and toys are allowed in the shallow end of the pool at the discretion of the Water Park Assistant Manager on duty.
  12. Life jackets or floaties are not allowed in the diving board or slide area.
  13. No spitting, spouting, or blowing nose in water.
  14. Swimmers must wear swimsuits or trunks (no exposed metal, jean shorts or colored t‐shirts).
  15. No street shoes on pool deck.
  16. Only authorized personnel may use First Aid or lifesaving.
  17. Food/drink must be consumed only in designated areas.
  18. No hanging on the ropes/diving boards/slides.
  19. The baby pool is for small children accompanied by a parent or guardian. Babies must wear swim diapers at all times.
  20. No towels or sunbathers within three (3) feet of pool edge.
  21. No smoking or alcohol permitted in the park.
  22. The City is not responsible for stolen or lost items.
  23. No refunds, including for closures of the Park for inclement weather.

A family is defined as parent(s) and all of their dependents, which are further defined as children, step-children, foster children or a child for which you have been appointed a legal guardian, that are eighteen (18) years of age and under and live in this household, or if a full-time college student and twenty-three (23) years of age and under and living in this household, or if not living in this household at least one (1) parent that is financially responsible for the child must live in this household.

We welcome any comments you have as you spend time at our facility.